2023-12-21 – 1.5 hour
resolve issue with vendor checkin – not requiring date on booking
2023-12-26 1 hour
Investigate Bay Street Bastards not booking
-error is “to prevent overbooking”
-contact Revelry tours
-they made a manual booking as did I in the app
-waiting to hear back from them
2023-12-29 NO CHARGE
Investigate QR not showing for trolley
-only affected customer Irma Miller
-no other customers affected
Contact Brianna @ Ghost City re:Bay St Bastards
2023-12-30 1 hour
Investigate QR not showing for trolley
-only affected vendor checkin button checkins
-I believe issue was due to missing Octo Capabilities header
on the legacy web app codebase check-in file.
2024-01-03 3 hours
modify ttdGenerate file to send Savannah prices with tax to Google
modify selectpass plugin on staging to add tax to prices
modify selectpass plugin on live site and test
submit new data to Google TTD with sales tax for Savannah tours
2024-01-04 1 hour
investigate trip ins not being added if customer toggles off then on
-comment out line 198 of child theme footer.php
–which removed the custom field element
–tested successfully
2024-01-05 NO CHARGE
investigate pricing substantially too high on Savannah page
-issue was template change. Advised Keith of necessary CSS classes
2024-01-11 – 1 hour
change traveler template for single event page
2024-01-19 – 1 hour
investigate adult/child count buttons not showing after product page template updated
-resolved: jquery was looking for h1.elementor-heading-title. Removed h1
change product page styles in the custom-coded areas