2023-09 Tour Pass



2023-08-01 3 hours
Work on staging site to track down google maps error on destinations admin pages
(notes on next entry)

2023-08-03 2.5 hours
* add rule to WP-rocket don’t cache maps.googleapis.com
continue work on re-deployed staging site:
* plugin insert headers/footers
-./includes/class-wpcode-snippet-cache.php line 35 add “if is array” check
-./includes/auto-insert/class-wpcode-auto-insert-type.php line 285 add “if is array” check
* deactivate WP rocket
* delete inactive plugins
*hard-code API key in ACF plugin ./acf.php line 114 ‘AIzaSyB5_qhVDDL2HiBh3o9mOG6Pwrmb3iXewzU’
*hard-code API key in ACF plugin ./includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php line 85 ‘AIzaSyB5_qhVDDL2HiBh3o9mOG6Pwrmb3iXewzU’
* comment out AFC functions in functions.php
*disable Woo Custom Product Addons NOT product addons
*delete /wp-content/cache directory and contents

2023-08-14 .5 hour
on pass expired screen, add link to home page of website. REmove 5% off offer on legacy site.

2023-08-15 .5 hour
fix staging site:
* plugin insert headers/footers
-./includes/class-wpcode-snippet-cache.php line 35 add “if is array” check
-./includes/auto-insert/class-wpcode-auto-insert-type.php line 285 add “if is array” check

2023-08-31 – 5 hours
Investigate maps not working – resolved:
-previous fix for ACF maps caused this issue because
it calls maps API without a callback, so I added javascript
to call function initMap() on page load.
Add views to Manage for Select Pass
-can view and delete redeemed visits
-still need to add js to delete unredeemed visits

2023-09-05 1 hour
fix Ft Sumter booking issue
-remove booking options designated for viator and getyourguide

2023-09-12 0 2.5 hours
complete JS and PHP scripts to delete and record
unredeemed visits

2023-09-20 2 hours
fix vendor portal not correctly configured for select pass

2023-09-21 2 hours
add additional check to see if pass has been
used for selections in final booking step
*completed on legacy for featured tours

2023-09-25 1.5 hours
add additional check to see if pass has been
used for selections in final booking step
*completed in app for featured tours
*completed in app and legacy for vendor checkin button
*completed in vendor portal

2023-09-30 1.5 hours
ventrata API not working
Needs defined OCTO capabilities
*add “$headers[] = ‘Octo-Capabilities: octo/content, octo/offers, octo/pricing’;”
to all CURL requests