2023-05 Tourpass



2023-05-01 2 hours
Email TTD Support re: description and exposure of ads
*Change number inputs to dropdowns (while loop)
*make upgrade days/party size mutually exclusive
-hide and conditionally show days/people options
-redo cost calculations
-redo form error handling

2023-05-02 3 hours
* fetch order attributes from WP database
* fetch current pass stats (party size, days, featured tours, price, etc)
* create array of upgrade instance data
* update app database
* send SMS text
* send email

2023-05-03 2 hours
* work on formatting upgrade data
* store as JSON encoded nested key-value arrays

2023-05-04 1 hour
* verify purchase price data is updated properly
* add link to upgrade on homescreen under party data
* add links to mobile pass
* test
* make live!
*modify email template to be like SMS template

2023-05-09 1 hour
TTD – change operator name to tour operator actual name

2023-05-11 1 hour
TTD – check on invalid related place ID’s for Drayton Hall
— Fix

2023-05-12 .5 hour
-fix problem rescheduling if all tours are booked
–no adult/child buttons were showing – put exception to show them for reschedule

2023-05-15 2 hours
-don’t show accordian on selectpass
-create two new max pass products, 1 for guided tours, 1 for Bulldog Tours
-correct placeID for Rainbow Row and add fix in feed generation

2023-05-17 2 hours
Create Savannah Select Pass product page and let Keith modify copy
Modify Select Pass plugin to work for multiple cities
Conduct test transaction

2023-05-18 NO CHARGE
Fix select pass checkout bug I created yesterday

2023-05-22 2 hours
Disable scrolling for non-TTD
change scroll method to include different offset for desktop, mobile

2023-05-23 1.5 hours
Work on TTD development loop to create max pass for each product
fix pounce cafe deprecated PHP constant error

2023-05-25 2.5 hours
TTD – complete loop to create max pass for each product
TTD – incorporate Savannah into loop
test above in TTD partnerdev center
change pictures for select pass based on market
copy dev code to production file

2023-05-30 2.5 hour
Fix select a pass checkout error with adults but no tours
(error checking correction in submission form)
-form reset number of adults after no chosen tour error, so write script to
preserve adult and child counts in form
work on TTD feed, combine select and max as options in one product