2023-02-01 NO CHARGE
work on integrating Facebook Core Kit into IOS app
2023-02-03 1 hour
finish linking FB core kit to IOS app
discovered conflicts – missing dynamic links
reply to Google Support RE TTD Bookings Module
2023-02-08 NO CHARGE
investigate pass showing vendor checkin button on web app when not active
2023-02-15 1 hour
Fix Harbor Tour booking due to nomenclature change
2023-02-20 1 hour
Brew Hop Pass
investigate pass reset
-determine payment gateway down
-create pass with zero dollar purchase
-found error on account creation for recurring
–likely due to no payment method
2023-03-02 1.5 hour
Create new lists of Place ID’s for Charleston
Send to Keith
Review custom fields for import
make corrections and verify correct
Add reporting feature in manage:
-average visits/pass
-average premium
-average standard
2023-03-08 4 hours
Work on Google TTD
-import 3 sets of Place ID’s to the dataset
-add categories
2023-03-09 3.5 hours
Work on Google TTD
-incorporate reviews
-resolve URL and image issues