2022-08-04 – 1 hour
Trolley using old codes. Attempt to use new codes
2022-08-09 – 1 hour
Work with Historic Tours and Ventrata to connect to new trolley codes
2022-08-15 – 3 hours
Finalize using new codes for hop on/off trolleys
2022-08-16 – 1 hour
Work on email template for native app
2022-08-17 – 2 hours
Continue work on email template
resolve issue with device ID not storing
2022-08-18 – 1 hour
Troubleshoot app refresh on Keith’s device
2022-08-22 – 1.5 hour
implement (conditionally) new email and text messaging templates
resolve new passes showing as expired
2022-08-26 – NO CHARGE
backup database so Keith can upgrade WordPress
2022-09-29 – .5 hour
Make new email template live
2022-09-06 2 hours
continue investigating iOS app refresh issue
2022-09-07 3 hours
Integrate Firebase Crashalytics into iOS app for future version
2022-09-12 .5 hour
force provision of iOS Test Flight submission
2022-09-13 .5 hour
fix QR code not showing for pass
(make QR codes show for both app and app2 bookings)
2022-09-14 1 hour
Modify “show qr code” buttons
submit new app version 1.0.5 for review on iOS
2022-09-15 2.5 hours
Setup Github for iOS app
Clone Donnie’s Brew Hop Pass
2022-09-16 2.5 hours
investigate iOS app rejection
– attempt quick integration of persistent location
– remove persistent notification permission and resubmit
– submit a 2nd time
update CSS for reschedule info button
add “>/dev/null” for quiet mode to all server cron jobs
2022-09-21 .5 hour
resubmit iOS app
2022-09-22 1 hour
setup Github for Android app
2022-09-23 2.5 hours
update app purchase messaging
create dynamic link to web app
update Android app to allow older versions (minimum SDK 28)