2022-03-21 – 1.5 hour
create staging site
2022-03-24 – 1 hour
Fix date formatting for failed renewal template
Investigate why date was missing
request SSL for staging site
2022-03-25 – .5 hour
Investigate excel report not generating correctly
2022-03-30 – .5 hour
attend SAINT conf. call as requested by Tom
re: API to call adoptable pets
2022-03-31 – 1 hour
Update join aapp page
add new vendor, record instruction video for Caroline
2022-04-03 1 hour
fix age not showing correctly for “my pets” view
change title to start date in admin console
add column and show renewal date if applicable in admin console
2022-04-04 2 hour
update staging member area
update login links (top header) for staging site
change login page appearance
2022-04-06 2.5 hour
investigate affiliates creation error
work on revisions for pet reunification project
add title to homepage guest blogger box
Contact GoDaddy support about intermittent outages
2022-04-07 3 hours
move nav menu to header.php
edit custom.css line 95 margin-top:165px;
remove nav menu from views:
create new staging site on Nebula server
2022-04-08 2 hours
fix error general_helper line 49 {} => [] for php7.4
css changes to login.php to hide nav bar
complete reconstructing member app nav controls in staging
create new view for protection plan
2022-04-09 (sat) – .5 hour
Shelter Appreciation –
– embed Google form on page:
– make mobile responsive
– add copy
2022-04-10 1 hour
renaming tabs
work on responsive menu
Apply edits to pets page
Microchip Registry
2022-04-11 4.5 hours
Begin adding copy to Protect My Pets page
Conduct revisions to Protect My Pets page
2022-04-12 2 hours
Merge custom CSS
set styles for mobile navigation
run tests on modified edit pet functions