2022-04 AAPP Part 2



2022-04-13 5 hours
change color scheme
finalize edit pet function changes in staging
finalize add pet function changes in staging
begin function to update form data – protect my pets
my user id: 436

2022-04-14 8 hours
complete form data update
create new signup process using microchip registration as branding
create microchip registry search form view
change form Protect My Pets to show US number format (xxx) xxx-xxxx (10 fields)
change form Protect My Pets to not duplicate selected phone type (10 fields)
begin create microchip registry search function

2022-04-15 7.5 hours
work on registry response if pet found or not
create function to send email
create email template

2022-04-18 4.5 hours
create work instruction for migration
copy database fields
copy files