2021-11 TourPass



2021-07-08 1.5 hours
Change trip insurance to trip protection
update all JS and CSS scripts
conduct test checkout

2021-07-12 2 hours
Find old backups of app database (5)
extract vendor pricing tables
make new temp tables for processing
begin script to process pricing for old visits

2021-07-16 3.5 hours
modify booking, checkin and vendor portal
to log current vendor pricing and cost in
tp_visits table
Update test database with past pricing
update live database with past pricing

2021-07-24 – 2 hours
update sales P&L and payout reports
to use visit-specific pricing instead of vendor table

2021-07-26 1.5 hours
ensure single vendor payout report uses new calc method
sanitize name field on pass creation
email validation remove numbers from TLD
if email fails validation, replace with info@tourpass
Fix “share pass” function

2021-07-27 2.5 hours
create test cancellation script

2021-07-28 .5 hour
fix css on aggregator date picker

2021-07-30 2 hours
Work on Fareharbor reschedule API

2021-08-01 3 hours
Complete reschedule API integration

2021-08-13 – .5 hour
hide “proceed to checkout” button for $0 orders

2021-08-16 – NO CHARGE
make arrows show on aggregator calendar
– WP theme CSS minifier was breaking the code

2021-08-23 – NO CHARGE
change verbiage on tour cancel button

2021-09-14 – .5 hour
add page refresh to make vendor checkin show

2021-09-15 – .5 hour
realign Savannah bicycle rental after nomenclature change

2021-09-23 – 1 hour
add check to vendor checkin portal to make
sure date is selected for calendar checkins

2021-10-05 – 2 hours
complete test integration with SuperSAAS
make video for partner to retrieve credentials

2021-10-13 – .5 hour
configure and test Red Boat Water Tours
-fareharbor for St Augustine

2021-10-21 – NO CHARGE
swap phone numbers on pass while porting bus. line

2021-10-26 – 4 hours
Work on Ventrata integration

2021-10-27 – 2 hours
complete Ventrata booking for vendor check-in tours
work on QR code implementation

2021-10-29 – 1.5 hour
Complete QR code implementation
Assist renewing charlestonharborpass.com

2021-11-02 – NO CHARGE
swap phone numbers on pass back to original

2021-11-03 – 1 hour
Add St. Augustine to payout reports

2021-11-05 – 1.5 hour
Integrate Ventrata into aggregator for website