2020-12 Charleston Animal Society



2020-08-19 – .5 hour
Consult with Blackbaud RE subdomain chili.charlestonanimalsociety.org
2020-09-04 – .5 hour
enter DNS records for subdomain chili.charlestonanimalsociety.org
2020-09-08 – .5 hour
Investigate Google Maps issue – expired CC
2020-09-09 – NO CHARGE
Confirm adoptable pages down due to Petango issue
2020-10-23 – 1 hour
Meeting with Google Grants
2020-11-09 – 2 hours
Install sitemap plugin and create sitemap
submit sitemap to Google
2020-11-24 – 4 hours
Make changes to PickMeSC website
2020-12-08 – .5 hour
Follow up on sitemap and bad linked pages
2020-12-10 – .5 hour
Adjust social and shop links in main site header/footer