2020-04-22 1.5 hours
Update Woocommerce:
determine YITH plugin incompatibility
remove YITH plugin
2020-05-22 2 hours
Add trip insurance to product page so Apple Pay will total correctly
2020-06-12 2.5 hours
test modified vendor import script to use Keith’s new custom fields
2020-06-01 No Charge
Fix “back home” button for some scheduled attraction confirmation screen
2020-06-15 .5 hours
Modify Tripadvisor import script
2020-06-17 2.5 hours
remove trip insurance from groupon
finalize new import script
2020-06-22 No Charge
Fix hours showing wrong on closed attractions
2020-06-24 .5 hours
Fixed some attractions not showing on map
2020-07-15 .5 hours
Workaround for Palmetto Carriage 1 person pass can’t book tour
2020-07-27 1 hour
Modify vendor portal to record appropriate dates for ALL featured tours NOT using API (instead of just Boone Hall)
Resolve 6thsenseworld nomenclature issues
2020-08-13 No charge
Investigate disk usage and caching for Taveler on Sucuri causing full disk issues
2020-08-31 2.5 hours
Modify logic for vendor portal to have calendar option based on custom fields
investigate booking for 6thsenseworld – determined they have a min limit of 2 adults
2020-09-10 .5 hours
Add PHP version 7.4 to server
upgrade to php 7.4
2020-09-16 1 hour
Add notice box to app list view of featured and standard tours based on WP custom field
2020-09-23 No charge
copy custom code from enfold child to additional themes
investigate disk usage issue
2020-09-24 1 hour
Investigate login failures – due to disk full
Contact LW support and order 2nd drive, 250gb, dedicated for backups