Brew Hop + Tour Pass Jan 2020



Brew Hop Pass ( 3 hours )

2020-01-05 1.5 hours
Investigate functionality of advanced coupons plugin
to not trigger if subtotal less than $1
success, however the following issues remain:
gift card email says “monthly pass’
sender also gets gift card code
code only works on first click of link
user account is not created – needs to ask password

2020-01-07 1.5 hours
resolve issues regarding BOGO purchases
require account creation
change label to not say “monthly”
extend max uses of code to 3 (in case user closes browser first time)
still sends recipient email that they sent a gift card to

Tour Pass ( 3.5 Hours )

2019-12-18 .5 hour
Investigate new forwarding of emails from

2019-12-31 .5 hour
investigate pass not created on tripadvisor email. Email was not recieved.

2020-01-09 2.5 hour
Resolve site unresponsive
contact liquidweb
determine disk usage too high
empty trash on chastourpass account
purge cache and logs
purge sucuri cache
do same for
Add column to customers table to track sales source
GYG, Viator, website(default), legacy website, tripadvisor etc
Modify sales search table to dynamically list all sources for sorting