Charleston Tour Pass – January 2019 updates




1-7-2019 – no charge
fixed date reporting

1-7-2019 – 60 minutes
Fix Traveler events calendar datepicker
wp-admin -> events -> settings -> advanced
disabled “Use advanced JS cache”

1-8-2019 – 30 minutes
Fix Traveler events calendar CSS formatting issues

1-9-2019 – 30 minutes
Fix website map markers
theme was hiding text
use .JS to override

1-22-2019 – 60 minutes
Add daily hours to website single view of attractions
convert to am/pm format
if open time is midnight, show as closed
css formatting

1-24-2019 – 4 hours
Create tool to generate PDF reports for vendors
choose vendor and date
Tool automatically distinguishes between scheduled or non-scheduled
pdf generated with link